I was hoping this weekend would have been nice and quiet and that we could have just spent some time relaxing as a family, I was really hoping to get a nap or two in but things were just a little crazy. My blog post from Thursday ended up having over 775,000 views, we had three news stations at our house numerous times, I received 634 blog comments (all of which get emailed to me as well so I had 634 emails in my inbox) and I received so many other messages via Facebook as well. I want to thank everyone for the support, I really REALLY appreciate it but now it's time to get back to regular life. I spent so much time checking email, facebook, etc this weekend. My phone hardly left my hand and now I feel kind of bad this got so out of hand and really it just took time away that I could have been spending with my kids or just catching up on some rest. My whole stance since getting word of my brain tumor has been to focus on the positive, simply and just enjoy every minute with my two boys and my husband. The craziness that came from the whole wig ordeal really took me away from that and now it's get back to normal life!
A blog that simply documents my day! If you are a new follower to my blog welcome! I am a 32 year old wife and mother to two boys. I was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor and also have a five year old son that is battling epilepsy due to a stroke he had in the NICU. To read the background story on me and my family click the link below.
Outside of all the craziness it was a pretty boring weekend. Jacob is finally feeling better! He had a 104 fever for 5 days straight, yuck! Today he wanted to be held pretty much all day but he is definitely on the upswing. I thought Owen might have been coming down with it too when he was a little warm yesterday but thankfully (knock on wood) he seems totally fine. Owen and Jamie actually went to see the new Lego movie today (thank you Katie M for the movie passes) but they got there and it was sold out! So they went to Yo Mama's for ice cream instead. They will try and see the movie next weekend. Owen was so excited for the movie he even wore his Batman costume. Other than that, we really just hung out around the house, watched movies and played. Jacob insisted on cooking super heroes in my good pan with GLASS lid (i was at least able to get him on the carpet) and Owen either wanted to run around the house or play the wii all day.
I was pretty exhausted today, which always makes me feel bad at the end of the day. Like I should have had more energy with the kids and played more so I really need to focus this week on getting to bed earlier and napping whenever I can. I hate feeling like I didn't give 100% to Owen and Jacob. That is probably one of the hardest things for me through all this, knowing that I am relying on other people to help with the kids, not having 100% of the energy I normally do. I am so used to be super mom and lately I feel a little more like mediocre mom. I feel that Owen definitely can tell and that really makes me sad. Agh, now I am crying. See, tears late at night mean I am definitely tired and need to get more rest! I have to get off this topic.
I should really get going. Just remembered I have to wrap a shoe or kleenex box for Owen for school tomorrow so he can decorate it for the Valentine's day party. Also just remembered that I just threw out a kleenex box a little bit ago. Fingers crossed it's at the top of the garbage and salvageable without any dinner left overs on it. Could I be so lucky? Speaking of dinner, thank you to Katie for the yummy dinner. I already ate a bowl of the ice cream too!
My second week of radiation starts tomorrow. I also meet with the nurse tomorrow to talk about any symptoms I have been having. I have been feeling okay, definitely less energy these days and I have had a headache for like 5 days straight now. Nothing terrible but just a constant headache. Could also be from stress or lack of sleep. I am pretty sure I can tell what part of my hair I will be losing. The last two days my scalp has been kind of sore and today my hair really hurts right at the scalp. You know how if you have your hair in certain way for too long and then you try to part it differently or just grab your hair at the root and kind of move it around it hurts? That is how my hair feels right now in a big circle area on the top of my head. I have it in a pony tail and i took the ponytail out and my hair/scalp was so irritated because my hair was laying differently I put the ponytail back in. Wednesday I meet with a nutritionist in the Cancer Center to just discuss ways to change my diet to help with my energy levels, etc during treatment and Thursday I am off to Madison after my radiation to Whitney Hair and Wellness to meet with Lindsey for my wig! Going with a bunch of girls so that should be fun! Thanks again Lindsey for being so amazing!
Hoping to be able to do something nice Friday for Valentine's Day with Jamie. We could use a night out just the two of us. I can't remember the last time we went out for Valentine's day. We are definitely more of stay at home and make dinner ourselves kind of couple but this year I want to go out and do something just the two of us. Hoping to get that planned for us tomorrow and make a reservation somewhere fun for Friday night. We have been so busy and stressed, we haven't really had time for the two of us.
Alright, I am off to get that kleenex box out of the garbage and then switch the laundry. The last big decision of the day... to fold the load that is in the dryer now or just throw it in a laundry basket and deal with it tomorrow....decisions, decisions.
Thanks so much for all the support! Hope everyone has a great Monday tomorrow! I am still encouraging everyone to do random acts of kindness this week! Please share them with me as I would love to hear of all the good things my army is out there doing! So far two elderly women in PARIS had their hair cuts paid for, we have some Valentines being made for a nursing home, someone had their food at McDonald's paid for.. let's keep this up and make this an amazing week! I look forward to getting out of the house this week so I have a chance to do some good myself although I am pretty sure Jamie would try and convince me that giving him a nice long back rub could be my random act of kindness.
Good Night!
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