Getting back into the groove.....
Owen is back to school tomorrow. He has been home since December 15th as we kept him home the whole week before Christmas while I was in the hospital. Hard to believe he has been home for 3-1/2 weeks! Although I have definitely enjoyed our time together, I am ready to get back into a routine. Wednesdays are the one day a week that Jacob goes to daycare so BOTH boys will be at school tomorrow. Owen is very excited to get back, he told me he is going to give all his teachers a big hug but Mrs. Roth gets the first one. :) I am pretty sure Jacob won't be too excited to be back but hopefully he adjusts quickly, for his sake and his teachers. Jamie will be working from home every Wednesday from now until I complete radiation. So this way he can help with drop off and pick up of both boys and he can come with me to radiation treatments once those get started. Tomorrow we drop the boys at school at 8:30 and then need to rush over to Froedert for my 9am doctor appointment. We are hoping to learn more about when treatments might start and what all they will entail. Just kind of ready to get the ball rolling with all that, I am really nervous for it to start, to lose my hair, to lose my energy but excited to just move forward and have a plan of attack on this stupid tumor!
Today we got to spend the morning hanging out with our amazing friend Leah and her two adorable girls Alley and Grace. Jamie was just saying last night as we sat on the couch around 8pm that he really wasn't excited about me be homing all day by myself with the boys and two seconds later my phone chimed with a text message from Leah asking if they could spend the morning with us. What a great surprise. Leah had the best smile and the biggest most sincere hug when she walked in the door, made my heart smile. The four kids played together so nicely all morning and then we had a pizza party. Thanks so much to Leah for today, we really had a great time!
Well that's all for today, no deep thoughts or inspirational stuff tonight. Just had a nice normal day, it's 9:30 and I am actually tired and ready for bed. Still hoping my sleeping improves, it's getting slightly better each day.
Oh yeah, I forgot to share this exciting news...I RECLAIMED the video monitor last night! I have had the monitor on my side of the bed every day since Owen was born. Well since all this brain tumor non sense happened Jamie has moved the monitor to HIS side of the bed. It's funny because I always was jealous of Jamie, for 5 years I had the monitor two inches from my head. We have a video monitor that switches back and forth from Owen to Jacob every 10 seconds and I check the monitor OFTEN. When you have a child with epilepsy you just do, every noise Owen makes wakes me up and I stare at his monitor for awhile to make sure he is asleep and okay. Well Jamie gets to sleep through all this, for the last five years. I made many complaints about how I haven't slept through the night once, I check the monitor NUMEROUS times a night out of habit and I was jealous that Jamie didn't have to. Well, once that monitor jumped over to the other night stand I HATED it. I missed the hum in my ear all night, missed hearing Jacob roll around and sound like a baby dinosaur trying to escape his cage, missed the sound of Owen stirring around in his bed, missed pressing the button on the top to light up the monitor and see what adorable or totally hilarious position they were both sleeping in. Well last night, I took back the monitor! It is back in it's proper place on MY night stand! I LOVE it! I will gladly be the one to check it all night long. I love seeing those little bodies all snuggled in their beds! See how cute they are?! Don't mind the large crack in the screen, that's thanks to Jacob and one of his days of being an angry elf!
And just a few more photos of the boys from today.
Does Jacob dressed as a police officer remind anyone else of Danny Devito when he appeared on an episode of Friends as a stripper? I could not stop laughing at him in this costume!
With this cold weather we have been running a humidifier NON STOP to pump moisture into our dry house. Pretty sure Jacob thinks he's a scientist. He LOVES turning it on and off and ohhing and ahhing over his creation of steam. :)
Well I am off to snuggle in my bed. Thanks to everyone that is following our story! Special thanks to Kris for the amazing meal tonight! Both the boys LOVED the casserole and the chex mix is SO addicting! Owen's favorite part was the popcorn bucket with all the treats! Go figure.
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